7 Types of Alopecia and Their Treatment - 7 Derma Center

Beauty Blog

November 14, 2018

7 Types of Alopecia and Their Treatment

Alopecia is a very common disease. It has many types.

Alopecia derives from latin and means “baldness”. It is a very common disease amongst today’s busy life. Hair fall causes lots of uncomfortable experiences such as shame, low self-esteem and frustration. Fortunately there is a way to boost hair growth completely naturally.

Important: Depending on the type of Alopecia you may have you would have to schedule an appointment for full evaluation.

Let’s first see what types of Alopecia exist.

#1 Androgenetic Alopecia

This type of baldness is the most common one amongst both sexes – males and females. Although both of them experience it differently the symptoms are not at all pleasant. Males have the “typical” balding starting from the both sides of their forehead progressing to shaping the letter M. Sometimes it can start from the crown. It may lead to complete baldness.

Read more: 4 benefits of DR CYJ Hair Fillers

Women on the other hand don’t experience complete baldness. Their hair gets thinner in time and this leads to uncontrollable hair fall and breakage. Many times adrogenetic alopecia within women is caused by PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

#2 Alopecia areata (patchy)

This type of alopecia creates round patches of bare skin on the head. It can transform into alopecia totalis or universalis. It develops between 25 and 30-years old.

#3 Alopecia totalis

Baldness occur to the whole scalp. This is a complete hair loss over the head area.

#4 Alopecia universalis

It leads to total loss of hair over the whole body – eyebrows, eye lashes, chest, stomach, legs, arms, underarms and more.

#5 Diffuse alopecia areata

This is a sudden and very rapid hair loss. This type of alopecia is rare and happens mostly among young women.

#6 Ophiasis alopecia

This is a very difficult type of alopecia for curing. It does not respond easily to medications and treatments. It affects the sides and the lower back of the scalp in the form of a band.

#7 Traction Alopecia

This is a controllable alopecia which is caused by very tight pulling of the hair into pony tail. This way the hair is pulled out of the follicle and damaged permanently. This leads to balding on certain area.

How you can affect positively Alopecia?

Modern medicine has found a way to stimulate hair growth during alopecia. It is called PRP (platelete-rich-plasma). A completely natural way of increasing blood flow to the scalp and initiate rejuvenation. Many researches state that hair growth increases with 30% after the 4th session.

This is a considerable achievement since alopecia is incurable. Combined with hair fillers or mesotherapy the symptoms of hair fall and baldness can decrease to minimum.

Find out how PRP works HERE.

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