All posts by: 7Derma

About 7Derma
7 Derma Clinic is an Aesthetic clinic where professionals with more than 20 years of experience are taking care of your appearance. Our mission is to bring more beauty into your wold and show you how perfect you can be in our imperfect world.

Skin Lift Guide: What HIFU Machine is the Best?

  If you’re considering a HIFU treatment for tighter, firmer skin, you’ve probably come across several HIFU machine options. Each machine has unique features that affect the results, comfort, and cost of your treatment. This guide will help you understand the top HIFU machines available in Dubai, what makes each of them special, and how […]

Face & skin care

7 Applications of the Exosome Therapy in Aesthetics

Exosome therapy is an advanced aesthetic treatment to help you achieve your beauty goals. In this article, we’ll explore the incredible applications of exosome treatments and how they can be combined with other aesthetic procedures for maximum results. #1 Skin Rejuvenation and Collagen Boosting Collagen, a crucial protein abundant in our skin, provides structure, firmness, […]

Face & skin care
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