Beauty Blog

December 11, 2017

3 reasons your skin needs baking soda

When we talk about baking soda, please do not think of cookies. Amazingly baking soda is probably the most powerful detox agent you would ever meet. If you have never used it outside the kitchen, this article is just for you!

Baking soda is powerful anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredient.

Have you ever heard that baking soda cures cancer? Yes! Unfortunately there are powerful industries which won’t let you cure that easily.

But we are not here to talk about cancer. Although… if baking soda can fight cancer, why not fight any other skin inflammatory condition?

When taken through the mouth, first thing in the morning, with 2 tbl spoons of lemon – you actually cleanse your entire gastro-intestinal tract. This helps you detox your whole body from the inside out.

Having problem with your gut? – Drink one glass of warm water with soda and lemon 30 minutes before breakfast.

Having problem with your skin? – Do the same.

Having problem with your overall pH? – Again… do the same.

Having problem with your immune system? – Same again!

Nonetheless please, be cautious – when drinking water with baking soda and lemon do not do it for more than 10 consequent days. It is extremely powerful and it can rise your pH levels above the recommended levels.

Baking soda is great for lemonade and detox

Baking soda exfoliates and evens out complexion.

As we mentioned baking soda is anti-inflammatory. Use it as face scrab in order to remove any dead cells. But do not use it more than once or twice a week. Even if your skin is severely inflamed.

Baking soda is very powerful and you should be careful when applying it directly to the skin.

As it whitens the teeth, baking soda also helps heal scars and evens out complexion. Of course natural remedies do the job slowly and require more patience. When you want to feel more instant results, please consider doing anti-pigmentation facial.

Baking soda fights acne and skin blemishes

This amazing ingredient kills the bacteria which causes acne. It is so strong that once or twice a week can do miracles for your skin.

You can either use baking soda for face wash or you can add it to a face mask. Both ways give you nice results.

Do you know what also makes acne go away? – This super powerful Corrective Facial with Organic Black Peel.

Of course chemical peels are stronger and give faster results than simple home masks with baking soda. They are also conducted by experienced professionals who have cured acne thousands of times.

For some reasons you might want to take care of your skin at home. And if this is the case, we strongly recommend you try baking soda. But please make sure it is ORGANIC so it doesn’t contain gluten, plastic, aluminium or other harmful ingredients.

So, grab that organic baking soda, pick your favorite recipe and see what happens! We would love you to let us know about your experience with baking soda in the comments below!


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7 Derma Clinic is an Aesthetic clinic where professionals with more than 20 years of experience are taking care of your appearance. Our mission is to bring more beauty into your wold and show you how perfect you can be in our imperfect world.

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