Aqua Gold Miracle Facial - 7 Derma Center

Aqua Gold Miracle Facial

AED 1 200 excl. VAT

Aqua Gold is an advanced microchanneling technology to boost skin elastisity, tighten pores, remove fine lines and wrinkles, hydrate deeply the skin and much more! Learn more in the product description below.

Original prices:

[1 session] Acqua Gold: AED 1200
[1 session] Acqua Gold + Btx: AED 1800

Packages available. Please contact us. 🙂

We offer flexible payments: 4 months, 4 installments

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What is Aqua Gold?

Aqua Gold is a special blend of rejuvenating treatments that combine all together the following treatments – PRP, Botulinum toxin, Filler and vitamin infusion. It works with the technique of microchanneling.

With the help of fine needles that barely “injure” the skin all acids, vitamins, rejuvenating cells and elixirs go deep into the skin. This leads to hydration and elasticity boost.

Why Aqua Gold is so effective?

The unique blend of nutrients, healing cells and vitamins penetrate effectively into the dermis where all restoring processes start. You get literally a new skin in a non-invasive way.

Let’s see how all elements work together:

  • PRP – this is a very popular way to boost collagen production, remove scars, wrinkles, fine lines or any imperfection. The treatment is so powerful because it uses your own cells (platelets) to restore the structure of the skin. In the clinic we extract the cells from your own blood and then with the help of microneedling we inject them into the facial area. Learn more about this highly popular treatment HERE.
  • Fillers -hyaluronic acid is the basis of the fillers. It’s famous for its hydration boost. Hyaluronic acid is used in many treatments and cosmetic products as an anti-age agent. One hyaluronic acid molecule can bind up to 1,000 times its weight in water. This helps your skin to get more elasticity, freshness and less wrinkles, blemishes or fine lines. Find out more about filler HERE.
  • Botulinum toxin – you’ve heard of botox, right? Aqua Gold uses botulinum toxin but in a different way. Its not injected into the muscle but into the skin. This promotes pore tightening and skin texture improvement.
  • Vitamins mix – This part of the treatment resembles mesotherapy but the needles here are finer and more gentle. We still “injure” but the skin but in a more gentle way. By using micro channeling the vitamins penetrate into the dermis and nourish the tissues. This speeds up rejuvenation and boosts skin glow, youth and attractiveness. Vitamins B and C are included.

See also the Vitamin Infusion Therapy for detox and health restart.

All of these components combined together can do wonders with your skin in a matter of session!

How many types of Aqua Gold we offer?

There are 2 types of Aqua Gold Facial that we offer:

  • Original Aqua Gold – vitamin microchanneling, fillers with hyaluronic acid, vitamins, small amount stem cells (PRP), growth factor.
  • Enhanced Aqua Gold – vitamin microchanneling, vitamins, small amount stem cells (PRP), growth factor + Botox and stronger Hyaluronic acid.

Benefits of Aqua Gold

  • Improves skin texture.
  • Boosts skin hydration, collagen and elasticity.
  • Painless.
  • Time saving.
  • Improves scar appearing.
  • Tightens pores.
  • Reduces excess sebum.
  • Regenerates skin.
  • Gives glow.
  • Purifies the skin.

How many sessions do I need?

The number of sessions for your individual needs can be evaluated only during a consultation. Depending on your skin condition, goals and other individual factors Aqua Gold sessions vary.

Please, contact us for a consultation at the clinic. We’ll be happy to meet you and consult you professionally.

Why choose 7 Derma Center for Aqua Gold Facial?

Our care and individual approach to every single customer make us a leading clinic in Dubai. With more than 15 years of aesthetic experience in The Middle East, our medical aestheticians find the right solution for your needs and goals.

Aqua Gold in 7 Derma Center is executed professionally with special care to your individual preferences and needs. Also, we have monthly promotions that save you money, time, and effort.

Book a consultation at 7 Derma Center and transform your facial skin!

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Enhanced Aqua Gold [3+1 FREE], Enhanced Aqua Gold Facial, Original Aqua Gold [3+1 FREE], Original Aqua Gold Facial

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